The Nuclear Puggle
Wednesday, June 26, 2019
Love and licks from Bumbler <3 p="">3>
Friday, March 24, 2017
Saturday, May 12, 2012
So Much Has Happened (since my last post)
We had an addition to the family in December..
We adopted Zack from the Animal Welfare Association. He came to NJ from a shelter in GA. I overheard Dad tell someone that Zack was on death row but we saved him. Don't know what that all means, but I'm glad I have a little brother, He is about a year old but that was all we knew. Mom and Dad did a DNA test on him and we learned that he is a mix of Welsh Terrier (25%), Brittany Spaniel (25%), Weimeraner (25%), Jack Russell, Bull Dog and Pulli (11% for all 3) and oddly 14% Chinese Crested!
So my folks decided to do the DNA test on me and Ruby. We all know that I have always been a BIG puggle, I weigh 34 pounds now but I was 42 pounds before I got sick. Well... turns out I'm a second generation puggle. My father was a pug/beagle mix but my mother was a pug/English Foxhound mix! Well I still say i am a puggle!!
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
In the Hospital
The good news from the hospital today is that he is responding well to the insulin and has started eating and holding down his food. Hopefully he will be home soon!
Friday, November 4, 2011
Halloween 2011
Hiya all good Pups!! Yes we have been away for quite some time. Mom and Dad have been really busy, and they have both spent some time in the house-spit-all whatever that is! But they are both able to play a lot more with us. And Mom agreed tonight to help me show you how we spent Halloween this year!!
I know this looks really silly.... but I'm a chicken!! I love chicken so much I'm told I'll turn into one.... so this makes sense!! OK not really. I kinda don't like dressing up, but sometimes I just can't get out of it!
As you can see Ruby is not very happy as a Ru-Bee-gle. BOL I crack myself up!! But seriously look at those crazy eyes! She scares me sometimes!
Well we have had enough of this dress up playtime! C'mon can we take this stuff off now? Please????
And then Mom and Dad found part of my first Halloween costume. They must have only saved the head so they made Ruby wear it, and now she haz a sad.
All in all we had a very happy Halloween. Mom and Dad don't let us help hand out candy. Haha guess they know most of it would end up in our tummies!!
Licks to all you pups!!
Sunday, December 7, 2008
WOW what a weekend, first we hear about Santa Paws coming soon and then as if on cue, it started to snow tonight! I love snow! Ruby never saw snow before tonight, this is her first winter!
Ruby gets her first experience with snow! She wasn't sure what was going on at first but she figured it out pretty quick. Pop made her a snowball and she played with it until she broke it.
Then Pop made me a snowball and I don't play with them, they are like a winter delicacy to me. Almost like a snow cone. Just don't eat the yellow ones.
After we played for awhile, ate some snowballs, and frolicked, Pop decided to throw some snow at me and Ruby. Ruby ran away but I got a big plop right on the head as you can see in the video. And you can hear Ma and Pop thought it was kind of funny. I did not!
Sorry if the videos are hard to see, this was my Pops first time trying the new video camera.
We Just got the news...
It's December and that means that it's almost Christmas. I gotta get my list together!
I got the news that Santa Paws was coming soon! Time to be a real good boy!
And a little bit of kissing up couldn't hurt!
Ruby got the news too but didn't know how to take it.
So she went into shock!